Article Archives
Trader Profiles (19)
Some of the most talked-about traders in the world will be highlighted in this section. From Cohen to Soros to Cramer to Paulson.
The Economic Meltdown (408)
A once-in-a-generation financial meltdown has gripped the planet and incinerated the net worth of many. Economic giants are faltering and emerging economies are getting destroyed. Recession or depression? The Economic Meltdown section contains all of the latest news that could affect your bottom line.
Stock Market Scandals (54)
Enron. Lehman Brothers. Worldcom. The list goes on and on. Crooked CEOs. Illegal payoffs. Executives plundering a company. It's all here, and we've spared none of the grisly details.
Stock Market Education (112)
How do stock options work? What is the Pattern Daytrader Rule? What is an ask? It's all here in this section as I try to explain some of the more complicated stock market concepts.
Real Estate News (49)
The global real estate market, led by the United States, is tanking. Values are plummeting, leaving many to wonder when the drubbing will stop. The real estate news section contains all of the hard-to-swallow news from the world of commercial and residential real estate.
Online Forex Trading (1)
Forex (foreign exchange) is the largest financial market in the world, and it's not even close. Trillions upon trillions of dollars are traded every day, and the forex market is (by far) the most liquid market on the planet. The forex market is large and complicated and we will attempt to pull back some of the layers in this section.
Motivational (33)
"Do it the *@#$ now." Hopefully this section will help to inspire and get you started. Everyone needs a kick in the ass from time to time.
Making Money Online (105)
Google Adsense. Affiliate programs. PPC. It's all covered here. How does one go about making money online? What are the most reputable places? How does it work? What are some tips and tricks that can be used to enhance profits?
Internet Companies (82)
We are deeply involved with many different internet companies. Whether it be companies that we do business with or companies whose products we use on a daily basis, these are some of the most crucial and important Internet companies in our life.
Hedge Fund News (127)
Citadel. SAC. Millenium.
Steven Cohen. Eddie Lampert. John Paulson.
The latest happenings from the murky world of the hedge fund industry. Frozen investor redemptions, outsized profits and stories of market manipulation. It's all here in the Hedge Fund News section.
Health + Fitness (9)
A bulging wallet is important - however, you don't want to spend your retirement days lying in a hospital bed due to years of neglecting your body. This section contains some tips as to how you can jump-start your exercise program.
General Market News (404)
One thing that is certain when it comes to the stock market - things change daily. This section will keep you up to date of the latest happenings on Wall Street, and how it might end up affecting Main Street.
General Knowledge (1553)
This section is full of things that I found interesting, and I thought that you might too. The Iraqi stock exchange. How to stay up all night. You never know, there might be a few nuggets of gold in this section that just might interest you.
Daytrading (2)
Daytrading. It's been said that 90% of all day-traders end up failing. Is that true? What steps can a person take towards making sure that they become a better day-trader?
Company Reviews (118)
This section contains honest reviews of some of the companies that we deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Blog Posts (184)
An archive of the various blog posts on the site which include short views on the stock market, real estate market and the economy in general.
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